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Two cups of strong coffee per day can reputedly help hold in bounds of Alzheimer sickness and invert some its symptoms. Newspapers Daily Mail said resume of scientists study from South-Florida’s University. By mouses their checked caffeine helps dementia not only stave off, but medicate it, too.

Czech psychiatrist Ivan David finds opinions of American scientist hopefully. He warnings that effect on mouses couldn’t bring round simply on the people. Alzheimer sick is the most usually form of old man dementia and most patient ends in carry of psychiatrist. Afflicted with this sick is 5% of 65years people and 30% of 80years people.

New science discovery outgoing from test on animal, but it belongs by opinion of scientist to the most hopefully experiments of this kind. “Sick makes inlaying betaamylase in brain. By the experiment’s mouses decrease this concrete to the half. It is good!” says David. As his opinion will be must do more studies to confirm answer.

“New answers of researching gives us credibly attestation about caffeine can be effectual therapy on Alzheimer sick and not only defence strategy.” says chef of science team Gary Arendash in newspaper Daily Mail. “It is important because caffeine is for most people safety medicament. Easy invades to the brain and it direct affects process of the sickness.” Previous studies demonstrates drinker of coffee have got lower chance to fall to Alzheimer sickness. Defence effect caffeine was demonstrated by Parkinson sickness and sugarbeet of second type – diabetes of fat persons.

Arendash’s team watched 55 mouses genetic modified to potency have Alzheimer sick. In age 18 or 19 months (= 70 years of human age) have mouses problems with memory and were chaotic. It is characteristic for Alzheimer.

To the half of mouses gave scientist water with small deal of caffeine to drink and the second part of group got normal water. After two months were mouses, which drunk caffeine by far better than mouses, which got normal water. They have two-time better memory than healthy mouses without dementia.

If we want apply this experiment on the people, should be human drink five 2dcl cup of coffee per day. The same deal is in two cup strong “coffeehouse” coffee, in 14 cup of tea or 20 drinks of Cola.
Nick: JirkaPraha, 13.7.2009 14:14:01
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